The federal government will spend $1 for every $2 contributed by the private sector for projects that help English-speaking youth, seniors and immigrants in Quebec, the Quebec Community Groups Network announced Thursday.
The funding comes from a $4-million national Community Innovation Fund, financed by Employment and Social Development Canada, to help official language minority communities, with up to $1.4 million from that fund going to programs to help anglophones in Quebec.
The Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN), which brings together 48 English-language community organizations across the province, will use about $400,000 of that funding to manage the program here in Quebec. That money will be used to hire a coordinator, pay an outside consultant, create a website and promote the program among community groups and private sector partners.
To be eligible for one-third federal funding, a project must have a private sector partner willing to fund two-thirds. So the program could result in up to $3 million worth of spending to help Quebec anglophones.
“Over the next three months or so we will be consulting our community members so that we build a vision together for how this $3 million will be spent in our communities to benefit youth, seniors and newcomers,” said Sylvia Martin-Laforge, director general of QCGN.
She said programs run by community groups have traditionally been funded almost exclusively by governments, but those funds are not indexed and the provincial government’s austerity approach has meant groups have to do increasingly more with less. But not-for-profit groups need help finding private sector partners and developing projects, and this is where QCGN will be able to help thanks to this new funding.
“This is a real opportunity for our community to take responsibility for identifying needs, building new partnerships, allocating resources, evaluating success, and learning from our combined experience with the project,” said James Shea, vice president of the QCGN. “If we are successful — and we know we will be — we will be creating new opportunities for the community sector (with) sustainable, predictable and self-governed resources.”
Asked for specific examples of the type of projects that might be eligible for funding under the program, QCGN spokesperson Rita Legault suggested an aeronautics company may want to fund industry-specific language courses offered by a community group like Youth Employment Services, to increase the pool of young bilingual candidates for jobs in that industry. Or a pharmacy might want to provide funding for regular yoga sessions for seniors offered by a community group.
Clarence Bayne, a member of the board of the QCGN representing the Black Community Resource Network, noted that the QCGN will have to ensure that the new funding benefits the most vulnerable anglophone communities.
“Some community groups don’t have the capacity to compete for funding on the same level as others, but their needs are greater,” he noted, adding that his organization, for example, recently had to reduce its staff by two positions because of funding shortfalls.
The QCGN will be responsible for reaching out to community groups, particularly those representing vulnerable groups, to ensure they are able to come up with projects eligible for funding under this program, said Martin-Laforge.