To the youth wing of Quebec’s governing Liberal party, quotas aren’t for everybody.
The young Liberals themselves owe their influence in party affairs to a quota unique in Quebec politics. The Liberal constitution allots one-third of the votes at party meetings, including policy and leadership conventions, to members between 16 and 25 years of age.
And only last June, the Liberal youth commission hailed the introduction in the National Assembly of proposed legislation that would require the board of every government corporation to have at least one member under age 35.
Yet, on the weekend, the youth wing’s annual convention voted down a proposal to set a quota for female candidates for the party.
It was hardly a radical proposal, and wouldn’t have been binding on the party as a whole. It called for between 40 and 60 per cent of Liberal nominations in general elections to go to women.
The 40-to-60-per-cent bracket for female representation is the same that Premier Philippe Couillard, who was then Liberal leader, promised for his cabinet during the 2014 election campaign.
Even Quebec’s advisory council on the status of women accepted a minimum of 40 per cent in its proposal last year on gender parity in politics.
Such a quota would at least begin to address women’s lack of influence in Quebec politics, especially in the Liberal party under Couillard’s leadership.
Last April, the chair of the women’s council, Julie Miville-Dechêne, noted that only 30 per cent of the candidates in the previous year’s general election, and 27 per cent of the members elected to the Assembly, had been women. Female representation in the Assembly had remained at about 30 per cent since 2003.
Not only are women mathematically under-represented in the Assembly, those who do get elected are reduced to supporting roles in its debates, an article in the current L’actualité magazine suggests. It calculates that on average, female MNAs speak less often and for less time, and introduce fewer bills, than their male colleagues.
Miville-Dechêne also pointed out that Couillard had failed to keep his promise on cabinet representation, since only eight of his 25 cabinet members, or 32 per cent, were women. (Couillard has since added three ministers, all women, to his cabinet, but their proportion of cabinet positions still falls just short of the promised 40 per cent).
She added that Couillard’s female ministers administered only nine per cent of Quebec’s spending budget for 2015-16, and held none of the most important portfolios. “It has been a long time since women have held so little influence in a Quebec government,” she said.
Her criticism is especially stinging because historically, the Liberal party championed the cause of women in Quebec politics.
It was a Liberal premier, Adélard Godbout, who gave Quebec women the right to vote in 1940. The first woman elected to the Assembly, and the first to be appointed to the cabinet, in the early 1960s, was a Liberal, the late Marie-Claire Kirkland-Casgrain.
And Couillard’s immediate predecessor as Liberal leader, Jean Charest, achieved parity between women and men in the cabinets he formed after the 2007 and 2008 elections.
But in the last general election, Couillard’s first as leader, only 28 per cent of Liberal candidates were women, down from 38 per cent in 2012 under Charest. As a result, only 20 of the 71 current Liberal MNAs, or 28 per cent, are women.
The youth wing’s rejection of the quota proposal doesn’t stop the party from addressing the under-representation of women by voluntarily imposing a quote on itself. And with two years left until the next general election, the Liberals have time to recruit female candidates.
Finding winnable seats for them might cause problems within the Liberal party, however. The new female candidates would have to replace some of the 51 current male MNAs. And some of the latter might not be ready to step aside gracefully.
Twitter: DMacpGaz