If you want to check out Montreal’s underground music scene, head down into the city’s subway system.
You might just hear Violet the violinist, or Enrique, a newly-arrived Mexican immigrant who doesn’t speak much French yet, but plays a pretty mean sax.
They were among dozens of aspiring buskers who took part in the annual Les Étoiles du métro auditions this week at the McGill métro. Hopefuls of all ages and musical backgrounds performed their best tunes in front of a panel of judges, hoping to earn a spot as one of the city’s 75 or so bona fide subway buskers.
For some, a subway gig is a transfer to bigger and better things. For others, a final stop.
For Violet Yacksmith, whose sweet violin playing brought serenity to rush-hour commuters dashing here or there, a subway gig drips with promise, one coin at a time.
“I want to make money for one thing,” she replied when asked why she wanted to play in the cellar of Montreal concert halls.
“It beats being a broke musician,” the 25-year-old Montrealer added. “It’s pretty hard sometimes.”
Yacksmith admitted there are plenty of challenges playing below street level for the masses.
“There are tonnes of noise pollution, so it’s good to have an amp. And you get a lot of different kinds of people who will either be very encouraging or very disruptive.”

Jose Lalo Orozco is scrutinized by judges during his audition for the STM during an afternoon session at the McGill métro on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016. The STM is auditioning for métro musicians.
But can someone actually make a living competing for ears against the frequent squeal of rubber tires from passing subway cars?
“I think that I could, but it’s not what I want to do because it’s a hard living,” said Yacksmith, who accompanied guitarist/singer Kris Begg during their audition.
“People are generous, but you’d be surprised. After you put in three hours of playing music hard core, you’re exhausted mentally, physically,” Yacksmith added.
“And some days you walk away with a decent amount of change in your pocket. Other days you get nothing and you just busted your ass.
“For a two-hour shift, a $100 is amazing. You could make more if you are really good. The low end, you make $10 in two hours.”
Also auditioning was Jacques Gendron, a keyboardist whose favourite station is Place des Arts.
“The people love me there,” said Gendron, who at 65, can only dream of playing in the fancy concert hall above, where the acoustics are better and, frankly, so is the pay.
But Gendron says he feeds off the human interaction he gets from commuters who can appreciate a tune well played.
“I live for that,” said Gendron, a former piano teacher who’s been playing underground for 20 years.
“I have no woman, no house, I live in the métro.”
Lugging his piano keyboard from station to station is worth every penny — or preferably a loonie — for those special moments when someone stops to listen.
“They’ll say, ‘Oh, you play Claire de Lune by Debussy, or you play Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, when they recognize the song,” said Gendron, cheered by the thought.
Montreal commuters are an appreciative audience, noted Kevin MacTavish, a 52-year-old Calgary native who goes by the name of “MacCash” when he’s strumming his guitar and singing timeless Neil Young tunes at the de l’Église station in Verdun.
“I’ve been all over the world and I find this city is a really friendly city,” MacTavish said. “You can walk down the street and make eye contact and have smiles with people. And that interaction with the people and ability to make their commute a little happier and entertain them is really why I’m doing this.”
MacTavish accepts the fact he’ll never get rich searching for a heart of gold in the subway.
“I think if you’re satisfied with not being rich, or making a massive amount of money, you can get by. If you find a passion with something you love, it’s just about getting by and paying the bills.”
Sébastien Blackburn, one of the judges for MusimétroMontréal, was impressed by what he saw and heard during the auditions. Those selected will pay a $58 fee to busk.
“It’s pretty amazing; we have some great talent here,” said Blackburn, a bass guitarist in the Quebec rock group Général K-O.
He said some of these buskers could eventually graduate from the subway.
“It’s a good trampoline to practice to play in front of the people,” said Blackburn, who still busks in the Old Port.
“It’s so different to play in the street. You need to get the people (to listen to you), you need to do something different. And that’s what we’re looking for. It’s that little spark. You need personality, originality, confidence.”