The McGill University Health Centre says it did not block a woman’s request for an abortion late in her pregnancy by sending the case to its ethics committee for evaluation.
“It was not an ethics committee — it was a committee of doctors, with an ethics representative,” MUHC spokesperson Ian Popple said, about a Montreal woman who consulted a lawyer earlier this year after the hospital refused her demand for an abortion in her third trimester.
Popple would not specify why the hospital refused the woman’s request for an abortion, which is a right that is enshrined by federal law, but said the MUHC committee was following the Quebec College of Physicians’ guidelines for late abortions.
“The (MUHC) recognizes each woman’s right to voluntary termination (abortion), as established by the Supreme Court of Canada,” the hospital said in a statement. “In response to a request for an abortion, members of the treatment team provide care and services to the best of their understanding of the patient’s record, engaging all of their clinical expertise, experience and judgment, working in accordance with their respective best practices.”
Asked for a clarification on the hospital’s grounds for refusal — which seem to contradict the hospital’s earlier statement about recognizing women’s rights to the procedure — Popple referred a reporter back to the College guidelines, which stipulate that late abortions, after 23 weeks, are reserved for “serious congenital anomalies” or “exceptional clinical situations.”
It’s not clear whether the fetus’s abnormalities met the College guidelines for a late abortion.
However, College officials say their 2002 guidelines are meant to be applied with discretion, not as rules.
“We have two sentences in the guidelines on late abortion. It’s minimal. We talk about serious malformations, which we don’t describe. I’m surprised there was a need to go to a legal process,” College secretary Dr. Yves Robert said. “It reminds me of how we used to manage in the 1980s when an abortion was considered a criminal act. And accepted only after the opinion of the so-called ethical committee of a hospital — until the ruling by the Supreme Court of Canada.” (In 1988, the Court struck down Canada’s abortion law as unconstitutional.)
Women have the right to get an abortion without the opinion of a third party, Robert said. “And at any stage of the pregnancy.”
Requests for late-term abortions are rare, he added, but seem to provoke an emotional and moral response, which is why the College is updating its guidelines.
“We feel we need to provide a framework for best clinical care,” Robert said.
According to Montreal’s Le Devoir newspaper, which first reported the story, the woman was 30 weeks pregnant when tests showed malformations with the fetus. The woman and her partner made the decision to seek an abortion together.
“I didn’t want my child to suffer their whole life,” she said.
According to ultrasound tests, the fetus appeared to have physical abnormalities that were not life-threatening to the mother or the baby, said patients’ rights advocate and lawyer Jean-Pierre Ménard.
“She didn’t want her child to suffer the consequences of being physically different,” Ménard said.
The woman, who was being followed at the MUHC, requested to end her pregnancy. When the MUHC refused, Ménard advised her to go to another hospital rather than mount a court case. She was also refused an abortion at Ste-Justine-Hospital for children. Ste-Justine officials would not confirm that when contacted by the Montreal Gazette.
The woman had the abortion at 35 weeks at a third Montreal hospital that Ménard would not name.
“McGill relied on an ethics committee and the College guidelines; Ste-Justine has the same politics, and that must stop now,” said Ménard, who fired off a six-page letter to the Quebec College of Physicians on Dec. 5 demanding an immediate update to their guidelines, which he contends fail to conform to Canadian and Quebec law.
“The guidelines may be minimal, but they are unfair to women, and it’s not what the law says,” Ménard said. “Can you imagine what it’s like for a woman, 30 weeks pregnant, to have to seek a lawyer to end her pregnancy? Awful.”
The fetus has no legal status prior to birth, Ménard said, citing several famous court cases, including the 1989 Supreme Court unanimous decision in the Daigle v Tremblay case. A woman’s fundamental right to end a pregnancy for whatever reason is protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights, he added.
A doctor who is not comfortable with doing an abortion can refer a patient to another colleague.