A union leader representing 17,000 retired municipal workers said Wednesday he’s prepared to take the city of Montreal to court over pension cuts set to begin on Jan. 1.
As of next year, thousands of retirees will no longer see an annual one per cent cost-of-living increase in their pensions. Though the employees and city had previously signed a deal that guaranteed the increases, a controversial provincial law allows cities to back out of that obligation.
The mayors of Montreal and dozens of other major cities will use a clause in the Bill 15 pension reform law starting next week.
“We say to the mayors, don’t move forward with this because if you do we’ll come after you,” said Marc Ranger, the Quebec director of the Canadian Union of Public Employees. “This is immoral, illegal and if this goes before the courts, we’ll defeat you.”
The city says it’s expected to save $39 million in its 2017 budget alone by enacting the clause. Montreal’s estimates place the overall pension deficit at about $1.85 billion, making it one of the city’s largest annual expenditures.
Longer life expectancies and smaller-than-needed pension contributions are major factors in the ballooning deficits, according to the city.
But Ranger says the city can’t simply “change the rules of the game” at the expense of retirees. He was part of the negotiating team that secured the cost-of-living increases and says seniors depend on those to keep up with their bills.
“The cost of living rises by about two per cent each year, so really that one per cent increase is just making sure a person won’t fall too far behind,” Ranger said. “People plan their retirement around this because it’s a pact, it’s a promise that was made to them by their employer. The signal the mayors are sending is that no one is safe anymore.”
The union represents retirees from a variety of fields — 5,391 blue-collar workers, 433 supervisors, 5,579 white-collar workers, 2,508 firefighters and 700 professionals. The majority of these workers will be affected by the cuts.
Ranger says CUPE’s legal team is ready to file suit in Superior Court and he’s confident that, if the case makes it to the Supreme Court of Canada, his side will prevail. He cited the court’s November decision in favour of a British Columbia teacher’s union as one of the many precedents that could spell victory for CUPE.
The decision — which took the Supreme Court just 20 minutes to render — abolished a provincial law that stripped the union’s right to negotiate class sizes. But the journey to the Supreme Court took 14 years and cost a small fortune in legal fees.
“If the mayors go forward with this plan, there’s no scenario where we win,” said Ranger. “Even if we win in court, we lose.”
The Montreal Gazette could not reach the city of Montreal for comment.