Matthew Schreindorfer, who famously raised nearly a million dollars in a matter of days to pay for experimental treatment for a rare blood cancer offered in New York two years ago, is fighting to stay alive again.
“It worked for eight to nine months, and unfortunately he relapsed,” his wife, Katia Luciani, said Monday.
Now the young Laval resident and his family are hoping the same online crowdfunding campaign that worked the first time will help finance a second experimental therapy — a new and improved therapy offered in Seattle as part of a clinical trial.
The young man’s ordeal started in the summer of 2014, shortly after marrying his high school sweetheart. The couple had just returned from their honeymoon in August, ready to start their lives together in their new home, when illness struck. Schreindorfer came down with flu-like symptoms. Doctors initially believed he had caught a virus overseas, then mononucleosis, but further tests revealed something far more serious — acute lymphoblastic leukemia, an aggressive blood cancer.
Chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatments in Quebec failed to stop its relentless evolution. In Quebec, Schreindorfer was offered palliative care. The couple launched an online crowdfunding campaign to pay for a last-ditch therapy in New York.
Touched by the story of a young man dying from an aggressive blood cancer, funds poured into the SaveMatthewCampaign. After raising $800,000, the couple flew to New York’s Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, where he got into a clinical trial using immunotherapy, in this case, CART-19. The therapy involved modifying the patient’s white blood cells in a lab and reinjecting them into his body. It manipulates the patient’s immune system to recognize and kill its own cancer cells.
It worked. Schreindorfer’s cancer went into remission, which made him eligible for a bone marrow transplant at Montreal’s Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital.
The two were ecstatic. And for a few months, “we lived a normal life,” Luciani said. But then the cancer came back. Not ready to give up, the couple went to Maryland in August, where Schreindorfer was accepted into a four-month clinical trial run by the National Institutes of Health.
A month earlier, Schreindorfer had been present at Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital where officials announced a $50 million investment over five years from federal and provincial governments as well as private investors to provide such cutting edge immunotherapy at the hospital.
“Matthew was an integral part in helping to secure that grant, as they used his case to demonstrate the need for such treatments here. Unfortunately, they began with lymphoma and it takes time to make it available for leukemia as well,” Luciani said.
The Maryland treatment did not work. “We knew there was only a 60 per cent possibility it would work,” she said, “but we had to try it.”
Schreindorfer returned to Montreal in December. He has been in Maisonneuve-Rosemont fighting infections ever since and willing his lungs, liver and kidneys to function. “There have been some hard moments,” Luciani said.
But on the bright side, NIH doctors discovered Schreindorfer has a gene mutation that causes the cancer to come back — and a small dose of a particular drug, Ruxolitinib, can halt the relapse. But before he’s eligible for the drug therapy, Schreindorfer’s cancer has to be in remission. And for that to happen, he needs to raise about $700,000 pay for the second CART-19 therapy in Seattle. (The crowdfund now has nearly $400,000.)
Despite huge setbacks over the Christmas holidays, Schreindorfer and Luciani are not giving up. They hope to leave for Seattle by the end of February.
“We’ve had a lot of negative discussions (with doctors) but we refused that route,” she said. “And Matt has made it clear he wants to do everything in his power to beat this.
“We know it’s possible, so that’s what we hold onto.”