This story was first published on Feb. 18, 2007, in the Montreal Gazette.
“The Races of the Montreal Snow-Shoe Club will come off at one o’clock this afternoon, over the Mile-End Race-Course.”
Gazette, Saturday, Feb. 18, 1860
The winter of 1860 in Montreal was unusually mild, with little snow. For weeks, the Montreal Snow Shoe Club had been cancelling its weekly recreational tramps over the mountain. Perhaps it would have to postpone or even cancel its annual race day as well.
This the club dreaded doing. The races, followed by a gala banquet, were the highlight of the year. Prizes would be presented by no less distinguished a figure than General Sir William Fenwick Williams, a hero several years before of the Crimean War and now commander of all British forces in North America.
The club’s secretary, George Parys, was frantic. He was even driven, so it is said, to consulting “a certain witch” about the prospects for snow. He paid her fee; she dutifully said there’d be snow in abundance, and Parys decided the races would go ahead on the 18th as scheduled.
But even as the fateful Saturday drew nigh, the ground remained almost bare. Then, a miracle (or perhaps just fulfillment of the witch’s prophesy): The day before, it turned cold and began to snow. And snow, and snow. In fact, it was almost too great a reversal of fortune. The cold overwhelmed the Gazette reporter’s fingers, and he was prevented from taking “such notes as the occasion deserved.”
Nonetheless, there was a satisfactory crowd of spectators in the stands, including “a goodly number of the fair sex.” The standard of competition proved respectable even though “the track was in heavy order, owing to the late fall of snow.”
Hurdle races were always a special challenge, holding out the prospect of stumbles, broken snowshoes and painful injury. This year’s hurdle race was a sprint over 100 yards, and the racers had to clear four wood barriers. Sure enough, “several of the competitors kissed their mother earth in their speedy career.”
The main event that afternoon was the two-mile Club Race. Five men started out, but halfway through only two were left. “On starting,” we reported, “McDougall had taken the lead and forged about 80 yards ahead, which distance he kept throughout, completely distancing McFarlane.” General Williams presented the cup. As a special mark of esteem, he came down from the stands to do so in order not to fatigue the winner.
Indians were allowed to compete in several of the races, and the condescension with which they were viewed, even when they won, is unmistakable.
“Several tribes of Indians have come to town for the purpose of competing with the Pale Faces,” we noted. In the one-mile event, “a long-limbed Indian from the romantic village of Caughnawaga and rejoicing in the euphonious name of Sosalastakancare took the lead on starting and easily kept it throughout, winning in 7 minutes 7 seconds.”
The banquet was held that evening at Dolly’s famous chophouse on St. James St., near Place d’Armes. The attendance was not large, “but claimed the merit of being select.” Selective, indeed: Sosalastakancare and his friends weren’t invited.
The bill of fare combined the elegance of French cuisine with the substantiality of the English, and once the diners could push back a little from the table, the entertainment began. There were speeches, songs and the presentation of more prizes. There were toasts to the queen, to General Williams, to Canada and to the competitors. The venerable Nicholas (Evergreen) Hughes, the club’s vice-president, toasted the ladies, “alluding to the tendency that inspired young men to put forth their mettle, when fair faces and beaming eyes smiled upon their efforts.”
Montreal’s early snowshoers saw their sport, with good reason, as being quintessentially Canadian, so what Romeo Stephens, the club’s president, had to say was no surprise. With its soldiers – and not just General Williams – having served on several Crimean battlefields, “it was time for Canada … to think of herself as a nation.”
George Parys got up and offered an original song, perhaps the same one he’d written for the club a couple of years earlier:
“Pass the bottle and fill your glasses
Now that each has munched his grub,
We’ll drink success to the pretty lasses
Whose lovers belong to the Snow Shoe Club.”
The club’s leading lights having had their say, some ordinary members got to their feet and volunteered toasts of their own. Finally, around 11, the party broke up. Most surely went home in sleighs. Whether a few tried staggering into the night on snowshoes is not recorded.