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Stars Above: The February sky has some amazing cosmic pairings


While February nights are down-right cold, the crisp, clear skies offer some of the best stargazing of the year.

Look for amazing cosmic pairings between some of the brightest objects in the night sky, courtesy of the brilliant moon.

This week, face toward the high southern sky for brilliant Jupiter perched above the waxing gibbous moon. The pair will appear about 5 degrees from each other — equal to the width of your fist at arm’s length.

The gas giant is the largest world in our solar system and shines bright throughout the month in the zodiacal constellation Gemini — the twins. Jupiter looks great — with its cloud bands and moons — through small telescopes and conveniently sets well after midnight.

On Tuesday, gaze toward the eastern sky near midnight for the waning gibbous moon gliding by stellar beacon Spica. The lead star of the constellation Virgo, the blue-white giant star will appear less than 2 degrees from the moon and form a squashed triangle with nearby Mars.

Of course, these close encounters are just an optical illusion, set up thanks to our viewing perspective here on Earth. While the moon is no more than 400,000 kilometres away, Mars sits at 133 million kilometres and Spica is 262 light years from Earth.

On Feb. 21 and Feb. 22, the majestic last quarter moon will pay a visit with the lord of the rings, Saturn, high in the southern sky at dawn. If you have a telescope, check out the beautiful rings. They are made of billions of chunks of ice and rock — everything from house-size down to the size of a particle of dust. Looking like an old-style phonograph record, the rings are about 250,000 kilometres wide, which would make the entire planetary system fit snuggly in between the Earth and the moon.

The moon finishes its planetary rounds for the month on Feb. 26, when early-bird sky-watchers get a chance to see a spectacular pairing between the crescent moon and the brightest of all planets, Venus. Look high in the southeast for the cosmic duo about an hour before sunrise. They will appear so close together that you can easily cover both worlds with your thumb at an outstretched arm’s length.

Finally, on moonless nights take a gander at the brightest and closest star clusters visible with the naked eye. After nightfall anytime this month, look toward the high southwest for the Pleiades open cluster, which looks like a small, fuzzy patch of seven stars. Sitting at 400 light years away, binoculars will reveal a jewel box of white diamonds huddled together in the sky.

Pleiades contains about 100 hot blue stars. Astronomers estimate they formed less than 100 million years ago, making them teenagers. That may seem a long time, but remember that our own sun is middle-aged, having lived already for about 5 billion years.

For more stargazing news visit me at www.TheNightSkyGuy.com

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