“If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me. Without my stir.” – Macbeth, Act One, Scene Three.
In the end, of course, Macbeth eventually discovered chance needed some helping along, and thus, on the Elizabethan stage at least, was born the concept of proactive political management, the art of getting ahead of events before they get ahead of you.
So here we are, after a spasm of political drama within the Parti Quebecois that saw leader Pierre Karl Peladeau step down from politics precisely one week ago (seems longer, doesn’t it?) and perceived leadership frontrunner Alexandre Cloutier anticipate a “Shakespearean” contest to replace the PQ’s alleged saviour, the maneuvering has already begun. Not the long-game deep, Game of Thrones, House of Cards positioning we’d like to expect from our political class so much as the rule of thumb precautions one takes before getting tangled up in a knife fight.
There were reports yesterday afternoon that Veronique Hivon, a wild card in this PQ leadership race if there ever was one, is expected to announce her candidacy this afternoon. Hivon would enter the contest with no small amount of momentum – having quarterbacked Quebec’s assisted dying legislation in a manner so elegantly non-partisan her apparent ability to get along with others might almost disqualify her as head of a party that’s made the art of grievance a part of its political DNA.
Hivon stood down in the last leadership contest, supporting Cloutier and in doing so creating the impression the PQ brand just wasn’t relegated to that demographic baffled by the internet or in need of a new hip (she’s 46, Cloutier’s 38). But now she’s saying she can fly on her own and if her candidacy does indeed materialize today, if she gets ahead of events before they get ahead of her, it’s entirely possible she’d steal thunder and, more importantly, votes away from any bid launched by Cloutier, her erstwhile political ally.
But above and beyond whatever sort of clash occurs between Hivon and Cloutier or any other candidate who decides to declare themselves, beyond whatever expert assurances may be uttered that the PQ is in the process once again of reinventing itself, the fact remains that any candidate seeking the crown must find some accommodation between their ambition and Article One of the party’s charter, which calls for of an independent country called Quebec. To be sure the provincial Liberals know this, and will as gleefully play upon the the prospect of another referendum on sovereignty as they did during the 2014 election campaign that saw them returned with comfortable majority and the PQ handed their most severe defeat in 40 years.
Is this leadership campaign for control of the PQ truly Shakespearean? It is if a political leopard that has been a fixture of provincial politics for nearly half a century change its spots, if it can divert the audience’s attention away from the fact that these days, the PQ’s raison d’etre resonates with a little over a third of Quebecers. Former PQ leader Peladeau had some inkling of the problem and had reportedly ventured his own wealth on the creation of a “sovereignty institute” that would presumably educate an increasingly indifferent Quebec to the purported advantages of of independence.
But until that institute starts to change hearts and minds, the biggest obstacle facing, Hivon, Cloutier and anyone else who cares to throw down for the leadership is that with each passing day, whatever grand soliloquy they utter in an effort to lead the party will be heard by an audience that continues to dwindle. That no matter how hard they work to win the support of their caucus and rank and file, there will be little point to their effort if the theatre’s pretty much empty by the time they get their cue to come on stage.
All of which is tragic (although not in the Shakespearean sense), because beyond any ideological consideration and whether we like it or not, the PQ is Quebec’s official opposition charged with defending the interests of an electorate the Liberals have repeatedly shown themselves quite willling to take for granted. Perhaps someday the PQ will form a government, call a referendum and weigh once again our willingness to endorse article one of a political charter penned nearly half a century ago. But in the meantime their duty is to hold the government of the day to account.
But that can be rather difficult to do when you’re distracted by whether chance will hand you a crown, and your audience, such as it is, perceives your efforts as much ado about nothing.
Montreal Gazette news columnist James Mennie can be heard weekdays at 4:35 p.m. on the Aaron Rand Show on CJAD 800.