A Montreal resident is asking the Dollarama chain to remove its line of Halloween decorations depicting black severed feet with manacles and chains attached on the ground they perpetuate racist stereotypes.
Filip Aleksandrow was shopping at the Dollarama with his children at Plaza Pierrefonds in Montreal’s West Island on Saturday morning when he noticed the display of severed limbs in the Halloween aisle. Most of the limbs were white, and none of the white ones bore manacles. The only appendages that were black were of severed feet with heavy manacles and chains attached.
Aleksandrow’s daughter, whose mother is black and of African descent, asked her father why only the black feet bore chains.
“She is only four, so I was trying to avoid a discussion because I haven’t thought about how to get on that topic with a four-year-old,” he said. As the store was busy he didn’t approach the clerks, but called Dollarama’s main office and left a message.
“I told them I thought it was really inappropriate,” he said. “I just hope they will remove it as soon as possible because this is just in really bad taste. I think there are certain responsibilities these stores have.”

A display of plastic severed limbs of Halloween items in a Dollarama store in Pierrefonds includes representations of black legs with chains attached.
Susan Mace, an assistant manager at the Pierrefonds store who has worked there for five years, said they put up the same displays of Halloween decorations every year and have never had a complaint.
“Our manager is black, so I would tell him (Aleksandrow) to get over it, okay,” she said. “I mean, you can’t keep being responsible for what happened 400 years ago.”
Mace suggested Aleksandrow contact the manufacturer in China.
“It’s not us who manufactures them,” she said. “I mean, we sell them, but all Dollaramas are selling them. I’m sure everyone’s selling them.”
According to their website, Dollarama has 1,038 stores across Canada.
The Dollarama store in the Place Montreal Trust mall in downtown Montreal also sells the manacled black severed limbs, but they are segregated from their white, non-manacled counterparts, hanging across the aisle.
Officials at Dollarama’s head office could not be reached for comment on Saturday.
Stores selling Halloween accessories have been criticized for offering culturally inappropriate costumes, such as hypersexualized Pocahontas-type outfits and feathered headdresses that critics say reinforce stereotypes and promote racism. Decorations that make light of a long and painful history of slavery are destructive in their own way, Aleksandrow said.
“Of course, racism exists everywhere,” he said. “I’m not going to say this is promoting it, but I think people who are into that stuff would find it funny and put it on their lawns or whatever.
“It’s not something we need out there.”