It’s not easy to love our school boards, is it? Even if they do speak English.
After all, just at the end of winter, when you’re feeling that the way to summer is finally clear, the school tax bill drops into your mailbox. And this school commission (which only 17 per cent of eligible local voters voted to install) always seems to use the maximum tax rate permitted in the legislation.
And then they tell us that they have to run a deficit budget to meet Philippe Couillard’s austerity objectives.
You’ve recovered from the residential tax bill you got in the early months of the year and now you get an echo, another tax bill based on real-estate values. It’s not the same kind of sting, but it is another expense before you can get to a beach.
No, it’s hard to feel positive about the local school commission. And for some people it must be a real irritant. It must be perplexing for people who don’t have children or don’t have any other connection with the school system unless, that is, they are socialists or just plain public-spirited. At least if you send your kids off in the mornings for 12 years and then pack them off to CEGEP for a couple more, you feel that you are benefiting directly from your contributions. And even students in private schools are subsidized by Quebec, in case you were thinking otherwise.
But school boards?
We know that voter turnout in school board elections is abysmal. Who really cares about them? In 2007, only 7 per cent of eligible voters in Quebec bothered to vote. And I remember discussions at the Union of Quebec Municipalities that used to regularly reject the idea of holding school-board votes at the same time as municipal elections. The mayors didn’t want any competition during their own elections. No way would they allow the popularity of town elections to be compromised.
And then Mario Dumont and the Action démocratique du Québec proposed to abolish school boards. I remember being at a dinner in Quebec City, and having a personal war of words with Jean Charest on the topic. “Give us back our towns first, then, we’ll worry about the school boards,” I told the then premier.
Anyway, I did vote in the last school board election because I knew a candidate. Otherwise, how would you know about candidates in your school board elections?
Who would you vote for if you didn’t recognize any of the names on the ballot? How would you even know they were holding elections?
Well, it did come up a couple of times on the news recently. And then a candidate arrived at my door in person. Eric Bender, information-technology manager at John Abbott College for as long as I was teaching there, contacted me about his candidacy. He was returning to education politics, and sent me some information. I feel the crisis in our shrinking enrolments now, and realize the need for intelligent and passionate people like Bender to run our schools. In his pre-John Abbott history, in the 1970s, Bender worked for the Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal, which had 80,000 students under its care. Are there even that many students in the whole English system now?
It’s hard not to avoid the suspicion that the strict control of access to English schools was designed to eventually drain all the life out of these schools and their boards. But who would have thought back in 1976 that English schools, with bilingual and immersion programs, would become so successful with such high graduating rates? I hope that the education bureaucrats are looking closely at our system to find out why our dropout rates are so low.
And then there’s the fact that you might well have been automatically switched to the French voters’ list and you’ll have to fill out a Voter Transfer Form to claim back the right to vote for the Lester B. Pearson School Board. You can call Elections Quebec at 1-888-353-2846 to find out which list you’re on. If you have to transfer to the English list, you can get the Voter Transfer Forms at the LBPSB website.
Is that complicated enough for you? Who’s going to bother?
Camille Laurin, author of Bill 101, would be proud of the effect of his legislation. It has taken nearly 40 years, but the English community is finally on its knees. Which is why we should be voting on Nov. 2.
Bill Tierney is a former mayor of Ste-Annede-Bellevue and a retired teacher at John Abbott College.